
Payment Charged Twice

The payment amount may be reflected as multiple charges on the statement due to the following reasons:
If you have updated or added an additional payment method to your account
If you have recently updated or added an additional payment method, charges for the same date may appear multiple times. Typically, one of these charges will be a pending authorization, so there is no cause for concern.
A 'pending authorization' is a process used to verify the status of the payment method
At EarthPaper, the authorization amount for the payment method is not deducted from your account.
The amounts under 'pending authorization' will be automatically canceled.
The cancellation period may vary depending on the card issuer and can take up to 2 to 5 business days.

Independently of the above circumstances, your card issuer may impose duplicate payment fees

If, after reviewing the payment history and receipt, you find that the payment amount has been charged twice, please contact us using the inquiry form.