
Change Password

To update your password, go to the 'My Page' section on EarthPaper
To reach 'My Page', click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the EarthPaper website.
To update your information, go to My Page > Settings > Account Management and click 'Edit.'
Enter your current password l Enter new password.
Your password must be at least 8 characters long and include both numbers and letters.
Click 'Confirm' once you've entered your new password
Your password has been succesfully updated.
Having trouble changing your password? Contact us with sharing your ID information, and we’ll help you out!
Are you 14 years old or older?
Accepted forms of ID: Student ID, Youth Card, Resident Registration Card, Driver's License, or a Valid Passport Copy
Are you under 14 years old?
Please contact us together with your legal guardian who will provide consent during registration.